Stand or Fall – Overthinking Things Vs. Not Thinking Anything Through At All

In the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 (here’s a audiovisual presentation by John Oliver you can watch if you don’t know what Project 2025 is to begin with), a lot of it involves dismantling various government agencies like Department of Education and Department of Justice along with public health initiatives and other government programs and replacing them with nothing, evil corporate overlords or worst of all, under a single-ruler dictatorship.

To put it bluntly here, the bastards who have come up with this Project 2025 shit, aka Mein Kompf 2.0, haven’t thought anything through. Because fascists and corporate overlords are in reality, dumber than dogshit. Yet they think they’re smartest people in the room simply because if they don’t like something or they don’t understand how it works, they just shit-can it and round up anyone who doesn’t agree with them and well… we know what the Nazis did and I think these bastards want to do the same thing. And all because they don’t want to share anything with anyone not exactly like them. They think the world is fucked up because they’re being pushed out and people are calling them out on their bullshit and not enough people are going along with their shit.

I spent seventeen years in what I call corporate call-center hell and I’ve always said the worst part was not getting yelled at over the phones every day (that was just part of the job description), it was being told how to do my job by people who didn’t do it on a daily basis like I did, and never had done it, or had only done it for a fraction of the time I did it. Yet these people refused to provide any real resources to help us on the phones and provide the service they wanted us to. We made things work behind the scenes in so many convoluted ways I’m surprised we all didn’t crack up though most of us have walked away from that line of work and haven’t looked back. The worst part was having any request, no matter how small, denied not due to any valid reason, but because it would make management look stupid and their egos were the most fragile thing they fought so hard to protect.

It takes a lot of people to build a product, to move it, fix it, and service it. Right-wing nuts and corporate management idiots don’t understand this at all. I honestly don’t see what purpose they have if they don’t contribute to producing the best products and services instead of just servicing their own egos and lining their bank accounts. These are the people who buy a company, butcher it, then sell off the remnants of the carcass while they walk away with bulging pockets full of dirty money to do it all over again. And yet they want to run the country like this?

Hell fucking no.

At this point, if you’re reading this and wanting to slap your hands over your ears or cover your eyes while you make excuses for this, I want you to take your hands off your ears or your eyes, and ask yourself why. Ask yourself why you’re trying to minimize, excuse, or just flat-out deny this won’t become a reality unless we keep these motherfuckers from ever being voted into elected office, or god forbid, trying to attempt another coup all over again like January 6, 2021.

“When someone shows you what they’re truly like, believe them.” – Maya Angelou

I will add to that and say that if someone shows you they will NOT think anything through at all, just slash-and-burn shit rather than stand back and let people do their jobs, why would you let them destroy more shit than they already have? Do you honestly think you’ll benefit from this slash-and-burn shit? Do you honestly think you’ll benefit from trickle-down economics and right-wing fascist dictatorships? Do you honestly think you’ll ever become a part of the oligarchy, the one-percent? Because if you believe then I’ve got real-estate on the Moon to sell you. And if you believe that because you don’t want feminists, black and brown people, immigrants, or gay/lesbian/transgender people to have anything all in life, I want you to ask yourself why you’re buying into that? I want you to ask why you have to live your life with hate simply because you’ve bought into the outrage machine even though you won’t benefit from it since you’re not a part of the one-percent?

One answer to the questions I asked in the previous paragraph is that you might realize you haven’t thought things through very much, and not realize just how complex our world is and what it takes to get shit done. In my former life in corporate call-center hell, one thing that kept people in that world was an ability to think not just on your feet, but in very complex ways sometimes. It was seeing a lot of moving parts and figuring out where the breakdown was. And yes, it did involve working with people who couldn’t think their way out of a paper bag, aka management. I don’t want people who can’t think for shit to run things.

And if you want to call me an overthinking, stuck-up, know-it-all bitch because I think too damn much and see too damn much, go for it. But how about you take a couple of painkillers and try to think instead of coming at me or people who have done the work in the past, people who can multi-task and keep our shit together when everyone else was losing theirs or sitting on their asses doing nothing.

Because if you don’t do your own thinking, no matter how hard it is, someone else will do it for you. And you might not like what they have in mind for you at all.

Choose or Lose.