Poem – The Depths of My Emotions

Cozumel by Michelle Raponi via Pixababy

Today is a two-for-one special here on my blog but early this morning, around five a.m. (yes, I was up that early to do my first two reservations this morning), I was sitting in the airport waiting lot between those two reservations when this thought came to me:

I am more connected to my emotions and I’m glad for it. In turn, I began to think that would make a good poem. But just as I was about to reach for my notebook and pen (I keep those in my bag at all times), my phone dinged my Uber app told me to start driving to pick up my next reservation (which went very well, and I got a $20 tip from my very lovely passengers).

So, when I got home this morning after I did what I had to do (the previous blog entry was written actually written yesterday), I sat down at the laptop and caught poetry yet again. Hope you like it.